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Thursday 15 November 2007

Hating Children

I've read sociologists or trend-spotters (is there always a difference?) that at the very time part of American society was idolizing children, building lives and schedules around them (though not necessarily for them,) dressing them up like miniature idealized selves, etc.; another part was rejecting them outright, endorsing their murder in the womb as a basic human right, producing novels and movies in which perfect, pale innocence was a mask for the demonic... and of course, these two segments of society were not mutually exclusive.
Where does the moral superiority lie between murdering your unborn child so that he will not impinge on your life-style, and murdering your 10 year old so that you will need to find food for one less mouth?


Accusing and abusing children for being "witches" is a growing problem in some parts of Africa - not one those in our society who still cling to the noble savage myth, now morphed into the all-faith-systems-are-equal axiom, or the "if only we could be as genuine and pure as the people of the third world platform", will want to acknowledge.

We all fell in the Fall...

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