Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Saturday 27 July 2013

How DARE the President...

... or the child, for that matter, voice any opinion as to what ought to be done?
WE will say what ought to be done, with "it".
She doesn't know enough to be allowed to refuse an abortion....
Chile's president has praised an 11-year-old girl after she said in a TV interview that she wants to give birth to the baby who was conceived when she was raped by her mother's partner. ...
"I've asked the health minister to personally look after the [girl's] health," Pinera said. "She's 14 weeks pregnant and yesterday she surprised us all with words showing depth and maturity, when she said that despite the pain caused by the man who raped her, she wanted to have and take care of her baby." ...
"I'm going to love the baby very much, even though it comes from that man who hurt me."
The former president Michelle Bachelet, the frontrunner in the 17 November presidential elections, favours legalising abortion in cases of rape or risk to the health of the pregnant woman or the child. Bachelet – a paediatrician who spent the past several years heading the UN agency for women – referred to the child's case in a recent interview. "She's a girl who needs to be protected and therefore I think a therapeutic abortion, in this case because of rape, would be in order," Bachelet told local Radio ADN.

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