But it is a terrible piece of good fortunate to be able to care for someone you love.
I shan't be around for a while, may I ask anyone who reads this not to comment, but to say a prayer for someone called Rose.
Save the Liturgy, Save the World!
"Are we aware that liturgy is the salvation of the world? [emphasis added] If... it is once again necessary [to adapt the liturgy, it is not] a question of making the liturgy more human. It already is human, and tragically so; it is the Passion of the Son of God made man, made continually present among us."Other Catholics with a grudge against Traddies, if not against Tradition itself, like to mock the phrase I coined, "Save the liturgy, save the world," as if it expressed some sort of simplistic belief that a return to the old forms is either necessary, or worse, sufficient for the salvation of mankind.
(In other news, in another diocese, at Mass on All Saints, Just a Song at
Twilight struck someone as appropriate, and so was recited, for our edification
and sanctification. So you see, it was a piece of great good luck that the PTB
had decided to omit the Gloria and Credo leaving us plenty o'time for JaSaT.)
Oh, after Vespers I complimented the altar servers. It was refreshing to see
child servers who sang and spoke when they ought.