Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday, 26 February 2007

Not my proudest moment

Things didn't go well. Nor would I say they went badly, not precisely.
One of the songs, as printed in the congregational aid (taken from "Word and Song,") proved to use a drastically different rhythm from the accompaniment copy I had, (from Celebrating the Eucharist,) and from which I made choir copies.
And because it was not the original choice (one of the contributors to the planning process found "Lift High the Cross" unacceptable,) I hadn't vetted the words -- so there we were belting out "Alleluias!" during Lent.
And choir participation from my group was not good.
And from the other parishes? NON-EXISTENT.
That's right.
Not one voice.
And we had not a single tenor (our strongest section! Ha!)
So, parts were not really possible (and I had really worked on the NEW BRITAIN harmonies, writing them, and setting them, and teaching them,) not even a large enough group to divide up on the Taize chant.
And it turned out there WAS an offering taken up during the evening, not just at the exit, so music WAS needed, so there WAS an opportunity for a choral piece.... (the knowledge of which might have persuaded more choristers to make the effort? But I digress...)
Any way, I felt like a fool.
Well, I deserved it, for all the commitment I gave it (Yes, I put my time and effort into it, but not my heart.)
So, my sin was its own penance?
No, my penance was the entrance song, or rather songs, for the service, and the earlier Mass. ;-)

Oh, and to top it all, the piano is grossly out of tune.
It wasn't bad when we first moved it out for the Respect Life prayer service, in fact, it was fine.
Perhaps we should not have left it in the nave. The small room probably protected it from the very worst of the temperature fluctuations.

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