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Monday 12 March 2007

Ecclesiastes 1:18?

". . . he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."
I cannot argue with that.Why, it's practically Linderman-speak for "Heroes" (Is Linderman a patriarch?)"Life of happiness or life of meaning? Can't have both, they are different paths."
Open Book had a thread quite a while back inquiring of lay people how they found working for the Church affected their spiritual life.

I didn't participate, as I recall, as she requested no anonymity, and the providing details (so as to assure some bona fides, so that anyone presuming to answer had actual experience in an actual parish or chancery, so that it didn't devolve into a cleric bashing free-for-all by disaffected PIPs.)
Church politics are like all politics, -- hard to eat sausage when you see it being made.
And because Himself is a "creature of such extremes" I need to be circumspect in my conversation with him - he is already more disillusioned than his healthy for a convert of his tender years. (I'll blog later on Dr. Blosser's take on that very matter.)
So, his appetite remains healthy, but me?
"Answering" more Masses, and feeling less prayer all the time.
I find myself depressed more and more, and more given to despair.
I do think certain aspects, not of my Church, but of my church are nearly beyond hope, and for my own sanity and peace of mind, and yes, Ms. Welborn, spiritual welfare, I need to just withdraw myself from it emotionally, and admit it is not in my power to affect change.

Incidentally, the past year and a half , when my presence was not required at meetings I had forgotten how I hated them.
I wonder if M. spoke correctly, AM I "supposed" to be there? She seems unaware of the dynamics that wrought this blessed, blessed change.

I wish she could manage not to try to tell other people ... well, she and I have that in common.
My Mom is another such, for that matter.
But I hope I can differentiate between uninformed opinions and judgements. (Not to mention what is my business and what isn't but I care about anyway.)
But she is a good person, a devout and faithful person, and so in the long run I don't really mind dealing with her, infuriating though it can be some times.

On an entirely different matter in the same milieu, I inadvertently had a long and surprisingly frank talk with T2.

I don't know if I can bring myself to form all the thoughts that are the logical conclusions of the information I now have.It is very upsetting.

I do think that he is right, that nothing will change "as long as."
Hopefully, Father will come to see what everyone else already knows.

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