Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday 14 March 2007

What did you go out to see?

I am dismayed by the reaction of some "orthodox" Catholics to the Sacrament of Love http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_exh_20070222_sacramentum-caritatis_en.html
(Charity is a bad translation, imo, considering how the meaning of that word has evolved in English, and it is no longer understood as Active Love. Amor Actuosa LOL)
What were they expecting?
A guillotine of words?
Do they think all Catholics who are not orthoprax and orthodox should be told to hit the
Is that what a father does to his wayward children? Should his aim have been to force them to obey? Rather than make them want to obey?
The ultra-conservatives don't seem to understand that the Mahonys, Hucks, Trautmans and Foleys are not our enemies.
They are our wrong-thinking brothers, whom we do not wish dead, we do not wish disowned, we do not wish out on the street, we do not wish disinherited -- we wish them converted and and in the loving bosom of their family.
I did not look for anything (with the possible exception of a mention of the propriety and efficacy of celebration ad orientem,) that is not there.
And as usual, dear Ratz has written words of great Beauty and Truth.

His way is that of persuasion, not threat.
Did they really want Pope Darth Vader? Not Pope Obi Wan Kenobi?
I do feel for them in their disappointment, but I firmly believe it is misplaced.

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