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Friday 30 May 2008

FSSP Ordinations

Some thoughts on the FSSP Ordinations
Or really, thoughts on comments made in the blogosphere on the ordinations...
1. Yes indeed, thank you EWTN.
I would think it possible that more people will have seen an Ordination in the EF today than viewed such a rite in all the rest of history combined.
Certainly more Americans than ever before?
2. No, it is not a very beautiful building.
It looks extremely familiar but I am quite certain I have never been to Mass in Lincoln Nebraska, so I am wondering if it bears a strong resemblance to a church somewhere in Lawrence, Kansas or Denver. I'll ask Himself when he comes in, because I have a strong memory of attending Mass with his Methodist self by my side, doing, as he called it, the protestant lean (i.e., parking yourself on the very precipice of the pew and ducking your head so that that you can pretend to yourself that no one else can tell you are the only on in attendance not kneeling ;o))
But the essential homeliness of the surroundings does not, somehow, clash with the beauty of the vestments, etc., making it clear obstructionist bishops toeing the party line are talking nonsense when they insist that the EF cannot be celebrated because church buildings in the diocese don't allow for it.
3. The idea that pre-conciliar churches are dark and depressing in contrast to post-VCII churches which are light and airy and uplifting is balderdash (I knew that, but it's nice to have the evidence on National, if not international TV.) (For that matter, I personally like "dark," and don't find it depressing.)
4. Not familiar enough with the EF, much less the Ordination rite to have an opinion on whether the MC is a little intrusive, but it occurs to me when one is very aware of the MC, as one can be even in papal liturgies, it nicely illustrates the point that it is NOT all about the celebrant, and he is no more "in charge" and able to do whatever he wills than the altar servers.
Improv not allowed!
and finally...
5. Our diaconal ordination will be nothing like this.
I had a very disheartening final choir rehearsal last night, and an email that I somehow missed from a day earlier, that I am not certain I have now replied to in time to get necessary information in the program. I am, however, trying to see if I can't look on my disappointments, if I SHOULDN'T look on my disappointment as thwarted ego -- ooooh, look at the musically wonderful liturgy I put together -- rather than it being any real set-back to the beauty and solemnity of the liturgy.