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Monday 22 February 2010

That All May Be One

Zenit has this:
The Anglican bishop of Ebbsfleet and the Forward in Faith group have called Anglicans to mark today's feast of the Chair of St. Peter with prayer -- preferably together with Roman Catholics -- to discern the path to follow after Benedict XVI has opened the way for them to enter communion with Rome.

"[T]his is not a day of decision," Bishop Andrew Burnham wrote in the prayer materials provided by Forward in Faith. "The apostolic constitution ('Anglicanorum Coetibus') is not a crisis point but the opening up, permanently, of a new way into unity with the See of Peter. Decisions about how and whether this should happen for each of us will take place in different ways, and at different times. The time now is a time of prayer and discernment."

Anglicans around the world have been discerning their response to the Pope's November document, which provides the possibility of Anglicans establishing personal ordinariates, expressing full communion with Rome, but maintaining Anglican tradition.

Prayer and discernment.... (this morning, the presider made furniture jokes.)

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