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Friday 11 June 2010

Come, Bishops, Tarry Not!

Stuck on hold for an unconscionably long time, (ah, the oxymoronic "customer service!") I came across a scrap of paper and polished a hymn-text I'd begun some time ago.
To those still fighting their rearguard "what if we just said 'wait'" action, I dedicate, or at least address this:
1.Come, bishops, tarry not
New missals aim our way!
O why these years of waiting here,
These ages of decay?

2.Come, for we PIPs still wait;
Daily ascends our sigh;
The Spirit and the Bride said, “Come”;
ICEL ignored their cry.

3.But now their work is done.
We cry, Fish or cut bait!
You have all dithered far too long,
No longer will we wait.

4.Father, obstruct this not,
Stand not in progress's way,
Leave off your whinging and your ploys,
We'll brook no more delay.

5.Translations new, at last
Faithful, and good and true.
If you defy the Church, well then...
Who's wrong, the Church or you?

6.Come and make all things new,
Build up Your Body, Lord.
Our faded foretaste of Your Heav'n,
To splendor be restored!

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