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Thursday 26 June 2008

Poor Fr Pfleger

Hmmm.... "mean?" "horrible?" maybe he just doesn't understand their style of preaching, er, I mean emailing -- maybe the emails were "prophetic."

Doesn't it all depend on what construction you put on words like "shoot"... or "snuff"?http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=5247464&page=1
Pfleger... received numerous death threats, which he said were indicative of the racial climate in the country.
One e-mail threat he received said, "I wish one of the folks in your dangerous neighborhood will shoot you."
"I mean, just some of the mean, horrible things that were said," Pfleger said. "I think you have to also understand it's the reality, it's the reality of the sensitivity of this country, the name-calling.

1 comment:

lvschant said...

This master of the so-called hate speech (except in his case directed at the majority instead of minorities) should be very familiar with this variation in the way folks sometimes choose to express their realities. I'm sure they meant no offense.