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Thursday 16 June 2011

The Solution to a Problem? Chant and Children?

Over at Praytell one fellow's response to Msgr. Wadsworth's keynote address at the Colloquium was absolutely priceless.

How can the crisis in liturgical music be abated? Easy!

We need a married clergy whose ranks are chosen on the basis of their ability to sing, ...
Like the Orthodox, this clergy would be free from temporal administration of parish. I would free them from “apostolic” administration, too. ...

This married clergy would have ample time to celebrate not only the Mass but also the Divine Office as well as spend as much time as Protestant ministers do in preparing their homilies. They would also provide a solid biblical catechesis for the parish, and still have ample time for their families.

IMlimitedE, many Orthodox priests need to have "day jobs." And they have "ample time" for nothing. (Does anyone have ample time? Well, anyone less indolent than I?)

And has he never met a PK?

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