Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Making Sense of the Senseless

We need to have a conversation about this. We cannot solve problems until we know their root, and we cannot know the root of a problem unless we examine it and discuss it.

It was being brought up by hate-filled parents.
It was homophobia.
No, it was easy access to assault weapons,
The government didn't keep good enough tabs on its citizens.
No, the government is oppressing us by keeping tabs on us and our guns.
Not enough care available for the mentally ill.
The problem is the PC refusal to recognize dysphoria and deviance as disordered and in need of care.
Militant Islam that seeks to destroy its enemies
¿Por qué no todos ?
Why can't they all be discussed? why must conversation be shut down on any of these possibilities? why are people so afraid of what they will find?
You, crazy ACLU lawyer-types - I'm willing to discuss it.
You think Christianity is to blame, that if Christians didn't advocate for traditional marriage and resist being told they must recognize and even serve activity they regard as an abhorrent sin the Orlando gunman would not have behaved as he did, that my praying for you is one cause - wanna discuss it? wanna tell my how prayer is hateful?

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