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Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Bravo, Father!

Reform of the Reform?
A Restoration of Reverence?
At the D r e a d L i t C o m Meeting tonight, (actually, not too dreadful at all,) someone suggested to Father that it might be a good idea, in light of several recent incidents of fainting, that he remind the congregation from the pulpit that the Eucharistic fast under current law is one hour, not three, and certainly not from midnight.
I opined that one reason for the seeming rise in incidence is that with our recent schedule change, by making the earliest available Mass an hour later than previously, we were probably, since none of the old timers were going to change their sleeping habits, de facto extending their fasts by a full hour. I was actually, passive-aggressive that I am, only mentioning that as a means to segue into a suggestion that he also remind (or actually teach, since they never knew,) a large number of people that there IS a fast, and it is an obligation.
But he beat me to it!
And declared that that was a much bigger problem!
Maybe he can find a way to tie the subject in to one of the scripture readings in the next few weeks?
Any way, way to go, Father.

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