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Saturday, 26 January 2008

The USCCB's Mission

I had no idea that part of the USCCB's mission (http://usccb.org/) as they saw it, and have elucidated it on their home page, was to "foster communion with the Church in other nations, within the Church universal, under the leadership of its supreme pastor, the Roman Pontiff."
Two points:
Sometimes they have a dang goofy way of showing it, (i.e., any "Adaptations for for the United States"; or objections from BCL that translations were "English" rather than "American.")
And I'm not sure this isn't reflective of a Spiderweb rather than Hub ecclesiology. The way to foster unity with other countries' Catholics is surely through adherence to universal principles, conformity to curial requests and decisions, a joyful and whole-hearted acceptance of documents such as Summorum Pontificum, Redemptionis Sacramentum )
But perhaps I am looking at this wrong.
Or perhaps there has been a change of heart at the USCCB with their gradual change of leadership, or at least seeming shifts in their center of power.

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