Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Well done, Jon Stewart

The sequence of Cheney "smiling" to the pounding accompaniment of O Fortuna was priceless.
Frankly, the commercials today for the Daily Show, touting their coverage of the State of the Union address as a break from reality shows, as the only scripted fiction currently on TV was also terrific.
I'm disappointed that Abp. Marini I's book tour seems to be canceled as I really did want to get to the event at CTU. While I certainly don't care for all the liturgical shenanigans that he might logically be thought to have had something to do with, I think he may have been unfairly blamed, very little is accomplished by fiat in any organization.
And I took an illogical dislike to him --
It is not his fault, after all, that he reminds me of Dick Cheney...

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