Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday, 7 January 2008

Things I have learned in the last few weeks....

That the Christmas season can last as long as I want it to.
That lazy though he be, I am lazier than Himself, and sloppy as I am, I am no match for him there.
That a desiccated poinsettia leaf dropping to the floor and brushing past on old copy of a volume of Carlo Rossini (oh, horrors!) motets sounds enough like a mouse scurrying behind the piano to make me jump and squeal like a little girl. (Not that I have experience of the latter, oh no....)
That I am allergic to a few more substances that I thought, (I now understand the Singing Detective,) and that some drastic, inconvenient and perhaps expensive changes to my diet will have to be made.
That Catholic men with an interest in the Reform of the Reform have a much higher emotional stake in fabrics and styles preferences than women... http://www.haloscan.com/comments/stribe/7083383974451744890
That we are more blessed than I dared dream, and certainly than I was capable of imagining, when that full of white hair was glimpsed through the curtain 2 years ago. http://adoremus.org/SpeSalvi.html
That Chicago is more blessed than it knows http://www.Cantius.org
That computers DO have personalities, and this one is indulgent but a bit contemptuous of me, (probably picked up its attitude from the one who had it, for its formative years :-P...) and sometimes kicks me back to the stone age just to remind me how dependant on it I am.
That your family and friends will still love you even if you send out Christmas cards barely in time for the Baptism of Our Lord.
That even if I don't get everything I have planned done, and the weather and my colleagues and my health don't cooperate, if I have done my best, and I keep focused, the Christmas liturgies will be all they need to be, life-giving and salvific.
Source and Summit, indeed.

(Oh, and that Solemn Vespers and a really great cheeseburger make for a mind-bendingly effective mood altering drug.)

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