Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday, 13 January 2008

There, was that so hard?

Although one might have hoped the august AP would have reported it with a little more clarity.


In a departure from a tradition of his predecessor, John Paul II, Benedict did not celebrate the Mass at a small altar setup to face the congregation. Instead he celebrated it with his back to the congregation which included the children's parents...

For instance, they could have said, "In a departure from a tradition of his predecessor, John Paul II, NOT TO MENTION HIS PREDECESSOR AND OF DANG NEAR THE ENTIRE WESTERN CHURCH FOR THE LAST HALF A CENTURY Benedict did not celebrate the Mass AT the congregation, but ON BEHALF OF the congregation, all of them facing the Lord together...."
But one shouldn't cavil at moments like this.
The important thing is that he did it and the Vatican didn't burst into flame, burkas and corsets didn't supernaturally and oppressively appear on all the women present, no one's memory tape was wiped of his or her "empowerment" as laity and replaced with "must pay... must pray... must obey...," no invisible fences and electro-shock collars were installed to keep Catholics from entering into dialogue with our separated brethren and sistren (much less entering into the places of worship of our separated brethren and sistren,) nothing....
He just did it.

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