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Friday 27 February 2015

School Lunches, Phoney Outrage and the Catholic Blogosphere

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, wish Catholic tweeters, face-paceters, and bloggers, including the ordained such as WT  - whoops, I nearly gave in to my inner Bazillian there! - WDTPRS would either stop with the politics, or stop with the religion.
You know why?
Because it's hard to take seriously the expounding on doctrine, corrections on Liturgy,  professions of faith and suggestions for examination of conscience, (all of which may be not only sincere, but true and necessary,) when they give in to their basest instincts to spread lies, disinformation and calumny about those with whom they disagree on politics.

Is a first lady any more responsible for a lousy school lunch than for illiteracy? or increasingly normative illegal drug use? or, going wy back, just not enough wild flowers?

And besides, it's dishonest .. and you'd have to be awfully stupid, or rather, more interested in mocking or criticise your political enemies than in, oh.... REALITY... not to notice that, um, all this countries are, de facto, different countries.
Ya know?
So if these "typical" lunches were authentic, they wouldn't have all been photographed in, like, the same place.
Even if you saw these separated in four images with captions, um... the backgrounds, and trays are all the same. (Of course maybe the EU has standardized school lunch room tables...)
What children in other countries eat (clockwise from top left): Ukraine's version of sausage and mash; Brazil's plantains, rice and black beans; beetroot salad and pea soup in Finland and steak with beans and carrots in France (photo courtest Sweetgreen)

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