Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The things you can learn...

I would have thought this was the little bottles Arlene so thoughtfully saw to it were included in our CMAA totes at the Colloquium, since the plant managers at Loyola have not seen to it that drinking water is readily available in all the buildings.

(Water fountains are a dying thing, generally, are they not? is that so that those bottle can be sold?)

Anyway, thanks to the chapel consecration being broadcast on EWTN I now know that Gregorian water is that holy water containing wine, salt, and ashes that is used in the ceremony of consecration.

I am interested in the fact that the Gloria was just sung. Is a consecration ipso facto a solemnity?

Speaking of Arlene's thoughtfulness, this thoughtful post is very interesting. Probably commment later.

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