Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Saturday 4 October 2008

My meter is broken...

My irony meter, that is...
I never used to read Onion-esque websites and suspect they were seriously meant, but like my Gay-dar, I find I can no longer trust my instincts in these matters (the Gay-dar problem may result from the rise of the metro-sexual, a gent who oft times gives a ... false positive reading.)
Several times lately spoofs, parodies and out-right lies have subjected me to "Gotcha" moments.

So someone, be kind and tell me, in all sincerity -- are there really Christians who celebrate a Eucharist of bread and cheese? (as opposed to bread and cheez.....)

The Artotyrite Church is a Christian faith based on the teachings of the Prophet Montanus and the beliefs of the original Artotyrite Church whose origins date o The Artotyrites derive their name from the fact that we add cheese, instead of wine, to the bread in the Eucharist. (Greek, artos, barley-bread, and turos, cheese.) This is because sheep's milk is symbolic of Eucharistic wine and Christian doctrine which feeds the soul, and also of the fact that the first men offered the Lord the fruits both of the earth and of their flocks (Gen. iv. 3, 4).

Next I'll be finding out that on special occasions, they have a rite involving an oaky but insolent chardonnay...

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