Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

On a more encouraging note...

I received, in an order of mostly perusal music from CanticaNova, this wonderful little volume, Hymns for the Liturgical Year a quite marvelous selection from the wise and witty Kathy Pluth, of Hymnography Unbound
Buy it, you owe it to yourself and your parish.
I, (limited as I am to the contents of Goiter and our, much better, disposable missallette,) cannot use them for the congregation, but I intend that the choir shall sing several of these excellent, fresh, orthodox hymn texts as soon as possible.
I shall probably not use the suggested tunes, but I moight, rabbit, I moight...
The book though tiny, is mighty, a LOT of hymns, great value for the money, I, (the world's leading skinflint,) think.

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