Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Love him, love him, love him...

At today's general audience, in examining Pope Clement's letter to the Corinthians, Ratz finds that the Church “is neither confusion nor anarchy, in which each person can do as they wish” and Clement clearly explains the doctrine of apostolic succession: the norms which rule this are on analyses derived from God himself. The Father sent Jesus, he the apostles and they in their turn their successors. “Everything proceeds from the will of God”. This explains why the Church’s structure is “sacramental and not political” and that the sacramental structure guarantees the precedence of the divine gift. The Church “is Gods gift not our creature”.

Thank you, Papa Ratz! Could there be a more succinct explication of WHY "sing a new church into being" are words that should not come out of a Catholic's mouth?

Please read, DOofW!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, apostolic succession is something I think about a lot. I have come to learn however, that it's not a catholic world, but a christian world. This means of course, that everyday I live with other christians (and non-christians) who may also be excellent examples. Not only that, but I must "share" and have fellowship with them, so it seems that apostolic succession isn't that important in my daily life. Do you understand what I mean?

Scelata said...

Yes, sir, I think I do.

But I think more important to me in the quoted passage, was the reiteration that the Church, while it is made OF us, is not made BY us.