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Friday 9 November 2007

"The Unlikely Ambassador to Islam"

Really, Fr. Jonathon? That ol' triumphalist, isolationist, anti-love peace and goodness, former-Hitler-youth, reactionary?
That Benedict?
How could he have changed so much from the person the msm has described?
Heavens to betsy....
For the first time ever, a reigning monarch of Saudi Arabia came to the Vatican to meet with the Pope.
Not just any Pope; it’s the Pope of the Regensburg address — that infamous speech against religiously-motivated violence that provoked parts of the Muslim world into proving his point....
The well-kept secret of this papacy is that it is on track to leave a legacy of effective diplomacy and inter-religious dialogue with the very group it so upset just one year ago — Muslims.
Ever since the violent protests have subsided in the aftermath of Regensburg, Muslim leaders have been flocking to the side of Pope Benedict, and he to theirs.

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