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Friday, 22 February 2008

'Cause that Pat guy ain't a follower of Christ so much as a hook to hang beer ads on, ya know?

Some of my hardest drinking Irish-American Catholic friends, (including, IIRC, several of my sisters,) like to say St Patrick's Day is mainly for amateurs. Apparently it is also mainly for heathens.

What of the fact that the Church has transferred the celebration of St Patrick's Day for those who must celebrate it (parishes, dioceses, nations whose patron Patrick is,) to a day outside of the most solemn and somberly joyful week of the year?

Well, yeah, what of it? I think participation in these events will clearly demonstrate who is, at heart and soul, Christian. and who is Alcoholian.

"We aren't scared to do things that aren't fitting to, say, 'peace on earth' and all that," said [the man] who organizes the parade for the Allied War Veterans of South Boston. "We all want peace, but our obligation is supporting the armed forces. So, nope, we don't have any problems with that."

I am concerned about these yahoos, after transferring the date to the 16th, saying that it shouldn't interfere with "church services."
Can we trust that a guy who thinks that what happens at a Catholic Church on Palm Sunday is a "service" will have any awareness whatsoever that it is a much longer than usual serv... er, Mass, and that many of his brothers in yahoodity, * who would not darken the door of a church at any other time, show up on Palm Sunday and clog the streets, parking lots, and pews 'cause they're giving stuff away?
Since we know what the make-up of a group organizing a St Patrick's Day anything in Boston likely is, we are forced to conclude that in Boston there are a goodly number of "Catholics" who could rightly be called "our separated brethren." (I don't know whence the "we," I don't have a mouse in my pocket, nor do I think I'm Queen Victoria. I'm just being affected today I guess, sorry.)

* And yes, well-intentioned seekers, as well, never let it be said that I discourage non-"regulars" from checking us out.

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