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Tuesday, 5 February 2008

A Scoop on the CMAA Fora Regarding New Mass Translations?

Scoop -- according to George Palmer, composer of the new Mass ordinary
http://www.wyd2008.org/index.php/en/australian_parishes_schools/wyd08_mass_setting to be used for WYD down under, the new translation HAS been authorized for use there already.

In answer to an inane questioner
I gather from comments you have used the pending translation?Is that because proximity to Cdl Pell of Vox Clara means that you all know something we don't about the new translation being approved and promulgated before WYD?

Mr Palmer replied:
The text used in the WYD Mass is the new English text now formally approved for use in Australia. This is the first Mass which has used the new text (I was given the text as a 'sneak preview'). The new text has now been released for general use. In fact the WYD Mass was given its 'premiere' at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney on 29 January and is now being learnt in the parishes. I am not sure about the status of the new text outside Australia.


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