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Friday 9 May 2008

A kinder, gentler Pope...

On Zenit, there is an interview with Fr Fessio, titled, In US, Pope Showed His Old Self.


Some of the MSM coverage, particularly on television, (excepting the always entertaining Lou "Mad Dog" Dobbs,) was gushy and breathless, as if they thought 3 years of the papacy had transformed Papa, that Darth Vader had morphed into Mr Rogers.
Am I the only one, who was reminded of the Mark Twain joke about the stupidity of ones parents, and how much they manage to learn while one is away at college?

"Most people already knew [Benedict XVI] is extremely intelligent and articulate. Many weren't aware of the personal warmth, what in Bavaria they call 'Gemütlichkeit,'" Father Fessio said.
The Jesuit, who is also the founder and editor in chief of Ignatius Press, the Pope's primary English-language publisher, explained that the Holy Father "is transparent, so what you see is who he is.
His many concrete acts of thoughtfulness and generosity are unknown to most people, but would not be a surprise to those who have now had the chance to see and hear him.
"There has been speculation that the Pope sometimes was negatively portrayed by the press simply because of his many years leading the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, coupled with his shyness.
Father Fessio agrees that these have been factors, "[b]ut the largest factor is that the secular media and dissenting Catholics will always project a negative image of anyone who upholds the teaching of the Catholic Church on the controversial, neuralgic issues of our time. "

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