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Wednesday, 4 February 2009

The IN-form of the Reform

This is not, by any means, what this article concerning a talk by Fr. (is that the correct title?) Robert Taft about the great Alexander Schmemann about, but a wonderful use of words, struck me, and I think i want to adopt the usage: Remembering Fr. Alexander as protagonist for the discipline of liturgical theology, Fr. Taft honored him as an "informer," not a "reformer," and as a "'kerygmatic theologian'... who was able to bring out of the liturgy its true meaning and make it live for people as a joyous event, which is the life in Christ."


Both the Liturgy and those who are meant to be shaped by the Liturgy, (and perhaps even more importantly, those who foolishly try to shape the Liturgy,) are in need not of reform but a higher degree of INformation.

A correcting of misinformation would eliminate many of the DEformations that have plagued the Body of Christ in recent decades, and an ever deeper investigation into what and Who is already contained therein would accomplish far greater things than of which arrogant creativity could ever dream.

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