Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Thursday 31 March 2016

Scelata said to him, “Can anything good come out of Michigan?” Jeffrey said to her, “Come and see.”

Good from Michigan? Well, there is the Tuba Museum, and Frankenmuth, and the antique ring from the Wooden Skate with which our troth was plighted, and those signs that say, "Beware, Entering Waffle Country," and Greek Town in Detroit, and...
Okay, lots that's good comes from Michigan.
That said, I was just making a joke, and I really am grateful to the folks at CCWatershed for this article.
Since I've no control over anything, sometimes it's less painful to pay no attention to what is going on, or should be going on, so, yeah, notice of the goings on in Marquette escaped me, this instuction is from January.
But sing  Te Deum and Non Nobis in thanksgiving for the Lord's Providence in granting his people a shepherd like Bishop John Doerfler!
Image result for bishop john doerfler
1. All parishes and schools will learn to chant the Ordinary parts of the Mass in English that are found in the Roman Missal, and they will be sung by the congregation some of the time throughout the year.
2. All parishes and schools will learn to chant the KYRIE, SANCTUS and AGNUS DEI from the Missa lubilate Deo, and they will be sung by the congregation some of the time throughout the year.
3. All parishes and schools will learn to chant the Communion Antiphon in English to a very simple tone that everyone can sing, and the Communion Antiphon will be sung at every Sunday Mass. A hymn may be sung after the Communion Antiphon while the congregation is receiving the Blessed Sacrament.
4. A Diocesan Hymnal will be used to ensure the musical quality and doctrinal integrity of the Sacred Music. The hymnal will include a broad repertoire of hymns from classical to contemporary. 
5. The Diocesan Director of Sacred Music will provide annual, regional workshops for parish musicians to assist them in the implementation of these directives. He will also assist music teachers in Catholic schools to implement Sacred Music in the school curriculum and at school Masses. Finally, he stands at the service of parishes upon request to help implement Sacred Music in other ways.
The directive about the hymnal is actually longer, so read it there if it interests you.
It seems to me that such a hymnal, assuming the standards are well set, is something that could be of immense value to the Catholics of the nation as a whole - The  Petrus Hymnal, perhaps, after the diocesan patronal saint?
And the amzaing thing, if only the NPM types would understand it, is that, withe the exception of creating a hymnal, (which is something on which someone else is doing the heavy lifting, so it is no burden on them,) these directives are EASY.
Do-able by anyone, in any parish, with any resources.

We have a guest priest just now, so, no authority to implement any long lasting change, no ability to direct employees, and yet in less than two weeks great changes have been wrought, changes for the good, tiny and yet remarkable. It is a reminder, if one were needed, how much depends on the priest -  
God send us priests; God, send us many, holy priests!
By the way, since I do enough complaining, let me say that I know how blest I am - my dear pastor may make me crazy, so wedded to liturgical convenience is he, but I never, never need have any qualms about validity, and I am very grateful to him.

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