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Sunday 1 July 2007

A Moving Tribute to the Power of Liturgy

The New Liturgical Movement (if you're an English-speaking Catholic of the 21st c. and you're not reading this blog, yet -- DO!) has a piece by an anonymous young diocesan priest who just received his first real exposure to the Extraordinary Rite.
Quite powerful.
Saving the Liturgy will save the world.
I cannot but feel that this man's experience will have impact on his celebration of the Ordinary Rite, as well.

Reform2 , indeed!


This past week I returned from what one priest called the Traditional Mass Boot Camp, hosted and taught by the fine priests, deacons and seminarians of the Fraternity of Saint Peter at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton NE.
Being a “Novus Ordo” priest and having little exposure or opportunity to experience the traditional Rite, this weekend was nothing short of amazing.
Arriving on Monday we jumped right in with an introductory session on the Mass covering various basic principles such as the attitude and composure of the priest, and the centrality of the Mass as a sacrifice....
I would characterize my experience as frankly stunning, and even life changing.
I must admit that the experience has recast my understanding of the priesthood to some degree.
Also, by this intensive introduction to the ancient Roman liturgical tradition, I now more fully understand the paradigm shift and rupture that Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has spoken of.

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