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Tuesday 10 July 2007

Will Ratz ever ask, as Koch did, How'm I doin'?

Sorry, I don't think dear Papa Ratzinger cares .... imagine, a public figure who does not live and breath Public Approval!

A somewhat silly article http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2039932.ece (is there anyone sillier than a Brit writing about Catholicism?) with some interesting points.

It attributes "avoidable public relations disasters" to the fact that "he does not delegate as the ailing John Paul II did," and declares "no one dares to offer him advice" because he is so learned.

To quote my guru and guide in all matters political, sociological and media-centric, Jon Stewart, "Whaaaaa?"

Has there been in living memory a more collegial, prone to seemingly endless consultation and deliberation prelate?
And the oft-repeated accusations of "tone deafness" are proving laughable.

I believe is perfectly aware of the import of virtually every syllable he utters, and speaks advisedly, in full knowledge that what he says will fall on ears unwilling or unused to anything but sound bites, that clarification will be demanded, and that clarification will be catechetical in a way that the sound bit cannot be.

Journalists are looking for glib, and he is giving us true.

And the flock is eating it up.

Now here is something the MSM understand: MONEY. You want to judge success by cash, fine, we'll show you "success."

Donations to the Vatican up generally, but "huge" increases in the Peter's Pence collections (one imagines were it not for the weak dollar, these things which are calculated in EUROs would show greater growth.)
This is the collection that makes you feel you are dropping something into the basket to go directly to the Holy Father and his pet projects.
Now, admittedly, and I am surprised the article does not mention this, some of this may be because so many of the faithful or openly hostile to or distrustful of their bishops or diocese, and would rather make their donations to the Church Universal.
Nonetheless, it cannot all be backlash against the local Church.
Much of this is simply ever increasing affection and admiration for the little would-be library mouse.
As Amy Welborn might say, ermmmm, because BXVI's not, like.... popular and stuff.

And perhaps more revealing, pilgrims to the Vatican, way up.
Oh, that must be because of JPII, now he was popular.
Oh, wait, also up at Assisi, Lourdes, Fatima and Madonna di Guadalupe ?
You mean, PapaRatz has managed to make people pay attention to Catholicism?
To the One, True, Apostolic and Universal Church of Christ?
Not to himself, but to the Church, and through it to Christ?


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