Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday 26 August 2007

21st Ordinary

Not too pleased, but not too chagrined.
One "why haven't we sung XXX in so long?," one I am trying to teach, NO good approximation of any proper -- oh, unless you count Gift of Finest Wheat... "Lord, the earth is full of Your gift from heaven; man grows bread from earth and wine to cheer his heart." Not a bad match-up.
Prelude: improv on MCKEE and Ave Verum (Gregorian)
Entrance: Praise to the Lord (Lobe Den Herren)
Kyrie, Gosp Acc, Sanctus, Anemnasis, Amen and Agnus Dei: Danish Amen Mass
Gloria: Lee "Congregational"
Offertory: Improv on THE CALL and MCKEE, then sung In Christ There is No East of West
Communion: G of FW, eked w/ SLANE
Closing: God Make of All Disciples (ST THEODULPH)
Postlude: Stanley, Voluntary in A minor.

For next week I am going to write out and add chanted invocations to the Kyrie for the cantors to use when it's one of the priests who doesn't like the Confiteor. I HATE doing the naked Lord, have ...2X, Christ, have...2X, Lord, have... 2X and calling that a complete penitential rite.

I wish I could start stealthing in a Gregorian ordinary, but it will not be countenanced.
Maybe I'll ask again about trying out the Community.
The Gathers are, I am guiltily pleased to report, on their last legs, and I think Fr and the committee agree with me that with the new translation so imminently pending, it would be foolish to buy now. If we could go to a xeroxed weekly "worship aid" I would have access to much better texts, many great tunes we don't currently use, more latitude in my choice of psalm settings and even the chance to veeeeeeery slowly work in some propers (but no Latin...)
Well, what happens, happens. I will do ... what I can.

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