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Sunday, 19 August 2007

Music for 20th Ordinary

I've never posted my music programs, (yeah, yeah, out of fear of having my choices trashed, especially since they aren't entirely mine,) but here goes. (Nothing of which I'm actually ashamed.)

Not a bad weekend, musically.
Well, not a horrific weekend.
Prelude: Improv on St THOMAS and NETTLETON
Entrance: Christ is Made the Sure Foundation (ST THOMAS)
except at Mass with what we call the "3rd Rite" of Baptism, Becker "Litany of Various Good People We Admire"
Penitential Rite: Kyrie from "Danish Amen" Mass
Gloria: Lee "Congregational Mass"
Psalm 40, O Lord, Come to my aid, Hunstiger (Basilica Psalter?)
Gospel Acclamation: Dnaish Amen w/ chanted verse from lectionary
Offertory: God We Praise You (NETTLETON)
Sanctus, Anemnasis and Amen: Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Danish
Communion With the Lord There is Mercy, Haugen
the remaining time eked out variously with THE CALL, and Nimrod
Recessional: Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)
Postlude:Bach "Praeambulum," BWV 924

No parts of the Ordinary that failed to reflect the ACTUAL TEXT OF THE MISSAL.
A psalm that correlated with the Lectionary (no paraphrase, no instance of, "this is what I would have written, if I had been responsible for.... oh, I dunno, the Word of God?)
A communion song that was a good approximation of the Proper.
An add-on (closing song,) that reflected the readings as well as the parochial celebration of Baptisms.
Strong singing of solid texts in the other hymns.
Not a word of Latin, or Greek.
No authentic chant.
But baby-steps...


Kathleen Pluth said...

Gosh! Overall it sounds good!

Exception: "Dorothy Day and Gandhi, pray for us, Archbishop Romero, pray for us, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, pray for us, Mother Teresa, pray for us"

(oops! I guess that last one is okay)


Brian Michael Page said...

I'm not a fan of Haugen, but if it fits the liturgical text of the day, good call.

Excellent choices for the Ordinary of the Mass.

Too bad you don't have "Westminster Abbey" as the tune for your Introit hymn. I'm guessing you have Gather Apprehensive or RitualSong.


Sir Monocle said...

Yep - putting your music list can set you up for all kinds of griping.. "What the hell was she thinking with that one..?" I like to do a variety of things, so while the Haugen stuff isn't my favorite, I do it on occasion anyway so as not to get into a rut. I don't play in a Roman Catholic church anymore (I did for a long time), but I do miss of some that stuff. Danish mass... geez, it's like the golden arches. Everybody recognizes it.

Scelata said...

Believe it or not, my PIPs knew none of the Danish except for Acclamation A and the Amen, so I was eager to introduce it.
I have an aversion to what have I read called "the Mass of Pope Poorie," and programming of the Ordinary here had always tended to be piecemeal.
The only complete settings they knew failed to respect the integrity of the text of the Missal.
I would love to teach them more of the Lee, but I don't know it myself! I've never seen anything beyond the Gloria.

Brian Michael Page said...

This fall we'll be teaching the Lee Gloria as well (finally) and the Proulx Community Mass (also finally). I refuse to use Mass of Creation at my parish (my boss doesn't want to hear that crap anyways - thank God!) or any Mass text that is altered (e.g., Creation, Jesuits, etc.)

The Danish is one of those Masses that at one point I thought EVERY parish knew. I still do pieces from it.