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Tuesday 18 September 2007

God in the double helix

Interesting article in the NYTimes about how morality may be hardwired into us little lower than the angels types.
That we may be genetically coded to be "good."
(Original grace? Pre-disposed by DNA to seek to be like God who is All-Good and deserving of all our love?)
That there may be two strains of morality, moral intuition and moral judgement, (the latter is the more complex, language-requiring brain activity); and five basic components of the moral life -- refraining from harm to the individual person, expectations of reciprocity between individuals, loyalty to the group, respect for hierarchy within the group and... purity.
All promote a suppression of selfishness.

The theory seems to break down when one tries to (mis)apply it to the over-used liberal/conservative divide.
I give you the Abortion question. By all rights, the "pro-life" side ought to be the "liberal" position. (What more vulnerable and oppressed groups of individual persons can there be?)

And in my case, it is. My defense of the unborn is the most obvious signal of my extreme liberality. (I am squishy on so many other points...)

Odd to be reading the article while watching the old Korda version of An Ideal Husband.

Oscar Wilde was a great Christian moralist -- Christ Himself teaches us the truth that figures in a weak and flawed man's plea for his wife's love -- it is the IMperfect who need love.

To quote that most beautiful of hymns, Love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be.

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