Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday, 21 January 2008

Art and the eye of the beholder...

Now is when I really wish I could get the hang of linking to pictures or posting photos. *
Ah well....
Sandro Magister has an interesting piece, ("had," rather, it's a month old,) on the new lectionary in Italy, and how the Italian Bishops commissioned contemporary artists to illustrate it.
A very fine idea, in theory, though I don't know how well I think it turned out, in the event, if the example given is in any way typical of the level.

* (You see, the picture Magister illustrates the article with is a painting to accompay the Gospel story of the man born blind, and there are these cartoony eyes with big lashes... well, just follow the link and look at it.)

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