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Friday 12 September 2008

Lourdes Hymn

Immaculate Mary.... where does your parish put the accent, on "a-" or on "-ve"?


BVM-Immac by Musica Sacra.


Dad29 said...


Finally figured out the "Roman accent" thing, which has to do with lengthening the duration, not necessarily increasing the inflection, on a given syllable.

Another mystery resolved!

Gavin said...

I think adults tend to put the accent in the right place and kids tend to accent the "-ve". Then again, children always scream this one, so maybe it's more a matter of everything being equally loud, so maybe a loud beat 3 sounds louder to us musicians? Or is that just confusing?

Scelata said...

The French, (although French is essentially a language without stressed and unstressed syllables, IIRC,) put the "ve" on the long, accented (down-beat,)"fa". (The first "ah" is a pick up on "do")
So it could be said that that is the more authentic way.
I'm told, (though cannot attest to it myself,) that in most European countries they do the same?

(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)