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Sunday 19 July 2015

Disappointing Homily

Taking a cue from today's Gospel, the deacon preached on the need for sabbatical, for private time, for daily, private, personal prayer, in addition to attendance at Mass.

But he couldn't let it go without his usual dig at the Bad Ol' Days when "most of what the priest did was silent," and ignorant pew dwellers eschewed EffCap for their "rosaries and novenas" - and a dig at those today who try to privatize the Liturgy and who complain that they can't pray.

I'm sure it's just me, but I "feel" more a part of something greater in the silences.
And I am far more aware of being actually present at both Calvary and at the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb when I am not asked to open my yap.
I can drink in the glory of celebrating with the entirety of God's people, not just those who by accidents of time and space share the pews, far more deeply when I am not constantly yanked into the here and now.

The Church! Not just "here comes everybody," but "here IS everybody"!

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