Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Friday 8 August 2008

No Payn, No Profite

Father Hunwicke, surely among the most witty presences on the 'net, suggests a preface to be published with the new translations, in answer all the whiners, umm... I mean, those with concerns about the new Missal translations, and how the "burden" to introducing them fall on the guys on the ground, at the parish level, and how having to utter words and formulae the people have already taken into their hearts, to which they are accustomed from long usage will be hard.
(To which I reply, and forcing people to focus anew on the words they can now rattle off is a bad thing, HOW exactly?)

And if any would iudge this waye more painfull, because that all thynges must be read upon the boke, whereas before, by the reason of so much repeticion, they could saye many thinges by heart: if those men will waye their labor, with the profite in knowlege, which dayely they shal obtein by readyng upon the boke, they will not refuse the payn, in consideracion of the greate profite that shall ensue therof.

I for one am all for borrowing anything useful and good from the BCP.

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