Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Te Deum Laudamus!

Just barely getting back into my routine after entertaining dear, dear houseguests, the dearest really, my other mother, Nature decided we were right, the water pressure in the bathroom was not what it could be, so how 'bout this? Water gushing out of the light fixture!
That's right, the storms Monday night were so violent that the one that hit about midnight blew our flowering plum so flat to the ground that I thought it had blown it completely away; and the storm at 2:30 in the morning (oh yeah, I was still up,) was accompanied by such strong and nearly sideways winds that the cap atop it, and the twists and turns throughout the conduit venting the fan through the attic and to the outside was no obstacle at all for the streams of rainwater that ended up in our bathroom.
We only heard the warning sirens twice, (I'd never heard one before, ever, except in Saturday morning, let's-test-her-out mode) and only the first was for a tornado, so we didn't have to spend all that long in the basement, (a "PDS" from the Weather center for mere storms didn't seem to require our vacating the main floor, the house is pretty sturdy.)
But between various basement puddles and the torrents in the bathroom (who knew a little "oriental" rug could be so absorbent?) we had lots to dry out yesterday.
It was pretty exciting though.
And as I'd said, swept up with visitors, and saying novenas, and various to-dos re: church, I have not been as faithful as I ought to the Office of Readings.

But I'm back on track now, and today, for the first time, although I do the LotH by myself silently, as a rule, it being the Feast of the Transfiguration, I sang the Te Deum.
I have never done it by myself before. And I "cheated", used modern notation.
Nonetheless, I am puffy as the Michelin man with pride!

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