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Tuesday 12 August 2008

Why I would not be a legislator...

... nor give the troubles of those delegated to fabricate our laws to a monkey on a rock.
How to balance conflicting, and great needs?
Begging is "a human right" says the Vatican
Of course this is true, those in need have a right not only to receive aid from us all but to make their needs known.
It would be unfair to the souls of those who are not (at the moment,) needy, to be deprived of opportunities for spontaneous Love in Action, caritas.
And yet.... how to combat begging "rackets", in which fake beggars were put onto Italian streets by organised gangs to "profit from peoples generosity", and the concomitant child abuse.
Laws are so dang complex... but they have to be to be good, to be fair; if there is an eventuality not conceived of and provided for by the framers you can be dang sure it will be jumped on by the unscrupulous or stumbled upon by the careless...
It is an unavoidable fact of life in this post-lapsarian world.
That goes double for liturgical and canon law, I imagine -- the stakes are higher.
Where does it say dancers can't sit on the altar table?
Where does it say I can't bring my gyrfalcons into the sanctuary?
And this makes me very sad, even though I imagine it is necessary:
A member of the ... Berlusconi government, also announced this week that Rome municipal police, or vigili, who mainly carry out traffic duties, would carry guns for the first time in 35 years.

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