Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday 14 December 2009

Did You Feel a Disturbance in the Force?

Forget 2012, the world may be hurtling towards a cataclysmic end e'en now as we speak.
At any rate, hell hath frozen over: the Christmas cards are finished and it isn't even New Years yet!
One year I think we even called them Presentation/Groundhog's Day cards.

But it was not industry or new-found organizational skills that wrought this miracle -- it was my casting about for ANYTHING to do rather than work on my final cantor schedules, (which, let me tell you, if you have high-schoolers in the corps, is like planning the season for MLB -- I'm going out of town that day so i want the early Mass but otherwise please don't put me on any earlier than 11 o'clock I hate to get up and that evening I have a date but wait, is the vigil moved up? then I'll be out in time to get to, you didn't TELL me they were doing 2nd graders First Reconciliation pledges that'll make it run longer, my family is visiting I want to be free, no wait, I think I'd rather they get to hear me , oh no, I can't do THAT psalm, oh, okay it's a choir Mass, but does that mean I don't get to do the invocations to the Kyrie, I LOVE that part why can't we sing....)

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