Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Evangelical Power of Beauty

This is just far too lovely a story not to share every way possible.
It's titled "What it's all about", (and I'll give you a clue, it ain't the bass,) and it comes from a musician on the CMAA forum called Hugh:
We said farewell today to a wonderful young man who is about to return to France after a year's study here in Melbourne (Australia). As I said goodbye, he reminded me of another French student he had brought along in Holy Week to listen to our choir at Tenebrae (Victoria Responses, Allegri Miserere, chant).

That young man, already back in Paris, rang my friend recently to say he was now receiving instruction and will be baptized in a couple of weeks!

My friend put it beautifully: "He came for the music. He left with the Faith." 

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