Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Saturday 14 July 2007


Yes, it's a wretched title, but not a bad show.
Tasteless but not obscene, some very pointed satire and some witty, witty parodies of other musical styles. (That, actually, is its greatest flaw -- I didn't think the second act would ever be over with one mock-uplifting anthem after another, it felt as if there were multiple finales; enough already!)
Excellent production though, direction, choral sound, two or three superb performances... terrific evening on the whole, if it weren't sold out, I would post the info, I'd be proud to advertise it.

I'm glad to have Himself back. too.

It's a little gift from God that as soon as a show opens he has complete amnesia concerning how utterly bat-guano-insane the process makes him.
A gift to HIM.
Me, I get to live with an actor practically in a fugue state from self-esteem issues, and paranoia about what everyone else involved must be thinking about him and saying about him.

But it's not really that big a deal.

My only real problem is that the title fits perfectly the opening hook of a P & W song I despise, and every time it comes up again at church, that word will be running through my head. (In fact, a complete parody wrote itself, uncoaxed, in my head.)

And no, I can't just "ban" the song... that's not how being a pastoral musician works -- sorry, Mary Jane, I just had to use the term ;o)

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