Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday 5 August 2007

Has this guy lost his last marble?

What is GIA thinking, publishing the ramblings of this man?

One articulate musician from south of the Mason-Dixon line admitted she doesn’t have a clue about introits, high Mass, low Mass, Dies irae—all the stuff I ranted about.All the terminology completely escaped her with its nomenclature and schema of the rite. She is one of many, I am sure.

"Articulate perhaps", but not even educated in music by secular conservatory standards, and absurdly uninformed for someone working in Church music, if that is what she does.

I am also sure she would be equally baffled when she witnesses one of the nouveau Tridentine celebrants who exhibits great concern over the length of the maniple (a sort of forearm hanging of fabric matching the chasuble).

Strawman, I suspect he is lying to imply anyone is "exhibiting great concern over the length of maniples."

Another woman convert who is one of the brightest and most gifted students I’ve ever had in class has similar misgivings. What does she know from birettas and rochets?

And what does she need to know? Who is suggesting she needs to know anything about them?

Will the Good Friday prayer about the conversion of the perfidious Jews—which deeply troubles again our Jewish brothers and sisters—be maintained?

I do not believe Moleck is so uninformed as to be repeating this calumny out of ignorance. He knows perfectly well it is not part of the '62 missal.

There is also news of “training programs” for priests who want to learn the rubrics, how to wear that dangling maniple, and where the eyes focus when the priest turns from the altar for the Dominus vobiscum.There is a DVD prepared for commercial release that shows how to do it for those who’ve never done it.

Is he suggesting this is somehow worse than the present situation where I have met priests who haven't a clue about the rubrics of the Missa Normativa?

All in all, it appears that the document is not as innocuous as many would like to think.

The only ones who legitimately have anything to fear are Satan and his useful idiots.

Look what happened shortly after Vatican II reforms set in. Churches closed down the organ, dismissed the choirs, and all leadership was done by guitarists and the amplified singers.A new tyranny replaced the old tyranny.

Is there any reason to believe people with an interest in doing what is right will behave as badly as people who had no interest in even FINDING OUT what was right?

The solution? Father Pecklers offers one in the last sentence in John Allen’s NCR article:“Father Pecklers said he shares the pope’s desire to ‘recover the dimension of the transcendent, the symbolic, within Catholic worship,’ but said that in his view the best way to go about it is to continue efforts to improve liturgies using the post–Vatican II rites.’”

We can only hope.... is that what you're really afraid of? That the “competition” will force priests liturgists and musicians to approach the Ordinary Rite with a modicum of reverence and solemnity?
No more NPM conga line Masses, LA RelEd Conf. Karaoke babes? No more mimes, Barneys and Open-Mic-At-The-Improv celebrants?
Tant pis…


Anonymous said...

Good God, this is why I stopped reading anything by Moleck. I remember a time when he was sensible, now he just makes me mad. A quote from NCR? Does any Catholic publication have any business quoting from NCR? I can't believe this guy gets published. I'm a lot happier since I stopped reading his crap.


Scelata said...

I uderstand your feelings, Gavin, but I have two reasons for reading him, 1) the inherent albeit unconscious humor frequently to be found, 2) the health benefits to my somwhat sedentary self should he manage to make me hopping mad, and 3).... I have THREE reasons for reading him, 1) the inherent albeit unconscious humor, 2) the health benefits to my somwhat sedentary self should he manage to make me hopping mad, and 3) the call to duty, SOMEONE needs to be pointing his nonsense, errors and foolishness, there are too many people in church music who have been thrown in the deep end and view the idiocy promulgated by the Liturgical-Industrial Complex as a lifeline.

We need to be steering them toward safer shoals (as well as teaching them to swim.)

Okay, my metaphor's just too goofy, now....

Seriously, though, am I remembering correctly that you were one of the voices regarding the Chabanel psalms that asked why these were any better than, say, Respond and Acclaim?

My answer would be, for the same reason it's ultimately more healthy for your kid to have an apple and a glass of milk at home rather than at McDonald's, even though he could indeed obtain them at McDonald's.
At McDonald's he's surrounded by all that other crap tempting him, and he hasn't the discernment to know he should limit himself to the apple and the milk, that the apple and the milk are inherently better for him than the fires and nuggets and greaseburgers, that just because two things come from the same source it doesn't mean they are of equal desirability.

But as I recall, you used to have a blog, and gave it up for lack of time?
You could perform an invaluable service to the Internet and to Catholic Church Music in the US by setting yourself up as the Anti-Moleck, and just fisking his silly weekly pieces.

Think about it.

(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)