Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday 27 August 2007

Letters, we get letters, we stacks and stacks of...

I often wonder how my name gets on certain mailing lists.
My abysmal handwriting, the multiplicity of common spellings for my first name and the scads of options I have in writing my address (even to the city name,) means I can often track how my info have been sold or passed along.
The current offer from US Catholic, though, defies tracing so far.
Its Chicago locale points to Mundelein or Cantius.org, but for reasons I will get into, that is not likely.
GIA is a more likely suspect, but my name and address do not have the same configuration as my correspondence with them. Well, whatever, wherever...
The offer included a generous discount, and I reasoned that I could use a Catholic general interest (as opposed to musical/liturgical) periodical, this might be the ticket.
The titles of articles and editorials I initially found on line didn't give much of a clue to its bias, to use the frank term.
(And anything worth your attention has a POV, so you might just as well acknowledge that, and find out the biases upfront.)
There webpage was slow loading, I looked elsewhere in the meantime. Hmmm...
And then I found Phillip Blosser's thorough but fair fisking.
He used exactly the same methods, criterion and... well, POV I would have.
Thank you but no thank you.

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