Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Friday 3 August 2007

O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet

Summer time is odd for me, I only receive the Chalice of the Precious Blood of Christ at a weekday Mass, ( such as just now. )
No choir on Sundays, so no "runner" as my parish calls the EM of HC who comes up to the loft, so I receive (to the horror of prog would-be liturgists!) outside of Mass.
Yes, just like Catholic organists of yore, after Mass, I discreetly and privately join the priest or an extraordinary minister before the Tabernacle and am given the Body and Blood of Christ, but under a single species.
I'm not certain if this isn't a better pattern for me in many ways, and I shouldn't continue once choir starts up again, (though I imagine that thought would horrify most of my fellow Companions and a few members of the society as well....)

I wonder what is usual now with musicians who still are allowed to use lofts

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