Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Saturday 15 March 2014

" What had been a great deal of work for many years, was now a path to God and a channel for His voice — no longer something dry but full of life!"

An absolutely luminous description of how chant works on the soul.

The blog, from an ecumenical Benedictine community is new to me, (and this post is a few weeks old,)  but I shall surely return to it.
I felt that I needed to be praying for my friend, but I found my words faltering. I had had a thought flash through my mind to take my 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum to the hospital with me....I chanted the office of Sext. Because I was in the hospital setting, I needed to do it quietly so as not to be a disturbance. What I discovered and experienced defies my descriptions. It was as though 26 years of chanting these psalms came calmly but hurriedly to my side. What had been a great deal of work for many years, was now a path to God and a channel for His voice — no longer something dry but full of life!It showed me again, quite personally, the real purpose of chant — the communication of God’s love.
"A channel for His voice"... lovely!

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