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Monday, 21 April 2008

What happened to Lou Dobbs?

Never having had any money, I never paid attention to TV economics commentators, but when did Dobbs stop being one of them and become the bat guano crazy, dumb as a sack of hammers guy I see now? He was whinging bleating about the Pope every time I saw him last week when I dialed past CNN or Fox, or wherever he has alit.
"Well, the Pope is at it again...." he began one time. (Yes, "one time," I saw more than one instance of his peculiar fixation on PapaRatz and Papa's failure to recognize that all Americans are saints, or at least infallible, and that all facets of our society are beyond reproach and all actions of our government perfect. Perhaps we should have built a big wall to keep Bavarians out, huh, Lou?)

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