Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday 25 August 2008

"The Messiah of God"

How anyone can use this past Sunday's Gospel, and Peter's confession, (which Jesus seems to approve of, no?) to illustrate that well, yeah, He's the Son of God, and all that, Savior, you know, true God and true Man, okay, the Christ, but when He asks, the most important thing to be able to answer is that He's a personal friend.... well, it's beyond me.

Flesh and blood has not told you this, Simon Bar-Jonah, but celluloid and silver nitrate -- a George Carlin movie, as a matter of fact.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Don't you hate hearing so many sermons that end that way? I, as a young person, am so sick of watered down sermons. Here's a good one for you: At a daily mass, a few days ago, one of the priests said in his sermon that God does not desire for us to suffer. Since when, I ask? How are we to become like Christ if we don't carry our cross? We cannot have deep union with Christ without suffering! God DOES give us suffering, and it is to purify us and make us holy. My insides screamed out in protest against that one.
I also desire a sung mass for the reason that I don't have to become annoyed with a priests tone for saying mass. I hadn't thought I could ever be so annoyed at how a priest SPEAKS the mass till this one: such a syrupy, friendly, patronizing sound....grr...offer it up I know... what was this priest saying about God doesn't want us to suffer?