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Saturday, 31 January 2009

Some Sad, Old Womyn

The NYTimes brings us this story of "lesbian colonies" around the US that are dying out.

I realize in retrospect that a friend and colleague who was "moving to Alabama to make jewelry" was probably heading fro one of these mentioned in the article. (Though at the time, an actor? who was born and raised and worked in a major theater city??? moving to, oh, can we even say the word.... ALABAMA?????????)

An interesting and telling reference is made that these Womyns Lands face "some of the same challenges as Catholic convents that struggle to attract women to cloistered lives."

It would have been a little more honest, though perhaps off-point, for the journalist to admit that only a certain type of religious community was dying out this way, or rather, or since they are in the majority, that a certain type of convent faces no such bleak future, and those that do in some cases have a great deal in common with the lesbian communities.

In one of these self-imposed ghettos, the "womyn"...
live in simple houses or double-wide trailers on roads they have named after goddesses, like Diana Drive. They meet for potluck dinners, movie and game nights and “community full moon circles” during which they sing, read poems and share thoughts on topics like “Mercury in retrograde — how is it affecting our communication?”

Hmm. I don't know why, but this shot of a liturgical fashion show seemed an appropriate addendum:



George Tarasuk said...

I do wonder where you find some of this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Well, the article as noted was from The Paper of Record, the fashion show shot was from Father Z.
I often wonder where you find the illustrations on your blog.
Any new consoles looking alluring?

(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)

Anonymous said...

Well, the article as noted was from The Paper of Record, the fashion show shot was from Father Z.
I often wonder where you find the illustrations on your blog.
Any new consoles looking alluring?

(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)