Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Tuesday 25 August 2015

"My Twelve-Star General"

My little, heavy, extremely cheap, and now awfully old tablet is the place from whence I observe Those Interwebs when I am travelling, so lots of doors portals are closed to me until I get home to reliable wifi and javascript and computer voodoo and other matters I cannot comprehend, Too Wonderful For Me, Far Too Lofty For Me to Reach.
So this did not escape my notice, but did escape my gaze until now.
A commentor or two is offended by it, by I think it's quite funny and pretty wonderful, and I'm getting warm fuzzies about Our Lady just now, so perhaps I fool myself, but I think she's enjoying such Catholic hijinx too.

Like, you may be cool, but you will never 
be star-crowned Mary standing on the moon
 stabbing a demon-serpent through the skull 
with a cross-shaped spear cool.

(I am left wondering exactly how a Catholic former Orthodox worships happily in the area where she seems to live, but many make sacrifices to belong to the OHCA... Sadly, the burden of the sacrifices one feels one makes liturgically actually fall on the entire Church, whether its members know it or not, and are even, sometimes, an affront to the Blessed Trinity, but I digress.)

If I were still in the dreamingaboutperfectweddings stage my neices are all in at the moment, I would think about what a kewl headpiece this could be for a bridal veil -

2. Our Lady of La Salette 
(or, Pretty Sure Our Lady Is Also an Elven 
Warrior Maiden,Probably Kicked Morgoth 
in the Shins)

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